Candidate Form

Candidate Form

Are you a Candidate Running for Office in the USA? Please fill out the form below to have your profile submitted onto our state of the art Voter Education App. Votcen is available on both IOS and Android marketplaces online.

Note: Currently we are only covering Fort Bend and Harris County (Houston Areas) for the 2020 elections but we are working very hard to expand the application to other markets. Thank you for your interest and please stay tuned for updates. You can click here and sign up to our newsletter.

    County/State/FederalCity/Municipal/School Board

    Picture - Image must be in .jpeg or .png format and will ideally be 280px wide and 310px height:

    Note: Thank you for participating in our voter education initiative. Our team will get your profile online as soon as possible and get in touch with you if we have any questions or concerns. If you wish to contact us in the meantime. We can be reached via email at or give us a call at 281-236-5877.